Musing on this led me to contemplate how vastly different our experiences can be based on our own filtering system. We see the world filtered through this system and live according to the reality it creates for us, mostly unaware that this is the case…
mindful living
The Path
“What does the path look like?” (the child wanted to know)…
Recipe: Vianne’s Spiced Hot Chocolate
From My French Kitchen: A book of 120 Treasured Recipes by Joanne Harris (author of Chocolat.) Harris encourages cooks to engage all their senses when cooking—look at what you’re cooking, smell the ingredients, mix them with your fingers, and enjoy their sounds and textures. Cooking she reminds us…
Make It Sacred
Those times when all feels impossible to love. When no joy can seem to be found.
When you can’t muster one sincere care in your world.
That too, make sacred. Light a candle…
Dream Day
I love to explore another place, another culture, another way of doing things. I always return with a fresh perspective and charged with creative energy…
Today, try shifting your perspective…
Often, not only will this practice shift the way you perceive that particular object, you will notice it extending to other areas of your life, as well…
Thinking Outside the Box
When we began doing this at our house, we found it to be more than simply an activity of organization or beautification. Ultimately, we realized it was a practice in mindful living, illuminating our everyday activities and the choices we make about the food we eat and the items we choose to bring into our home…
Free your mind.
If you will stay close to nature…
Art in the everyday
The truly fortunate—see everyday objects as marvelous works of art.
Might I suggest…
Present moment living/Taking a stand: “I’m going to make a concentrated effort to ignore all the decorations already on the shelves and the calendar hurtling towards…”
Sunday and a new perspective.
This morning the green fists of the peonies are getting ready
to break my heart
as the sun rises,
as the sun strokes them with his old, buttery fingers