A reminder (to myself) that beauty is always there, waiting to be discovered. I am responsible for my perspective, my focus. What I am looking for is ultimately what I will see.
Reflection & Introspection
Musing on this led me to contemplate how vastly different our experiences can be based on our own filtering system. We see the world filtered through this system and live according to the reality it creates for us, mostly unaware that this is the case…
The Path
“What does the path look like?” (the child wanted to know)…
Make It Sacred
Those times when all feels impossible to love. When no joy can seem to be found.
When you can’t muster one sincere care in your world.
That too, make sacred. Light a candle…
The Grays Have It
I’ve found—as with most everything in life—it comes down to balance and perspective. Upon closer inspection (a new perspective) one sees that gray is actually prevalent throughout nature. He is the workhorse, the behind-the-scenes element quietly pulling everything together…
“Live the full life…”
A compilation of inspiring images…
Today, try shifting your perspective…
Often, not only will this practice shift the way you perceive that particular object, you will notice it extending to other areas of your life, as well…
Magic and the Merlin Archetype
I am five years old. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom, “Mom? If I told you I was magic, would you believe me?” With a smile and a soft chuckle, she replies, “Magic? No. I wouldn’t believe you were magic.” Then turns back to what she is doing. I am heartbroken and quietly…
Thinking Outside the Box
When we began doing this at our house, we found it to be more than simply an activity of organization or beautification. Ultimately, we realized it was a practice in mindful living, illuminating our everyday activities and the choices we make about the food we eat and the items we choose to bring into our home…
What is your biggest challenge?
Living in the present moment. It’s such a beautiful place to reside, yet how often are we there. . .not regretting the past, not worried about the future?…
The Heart Expansion Experiment
The first time I did this, I decided to give it a concentrated effort for a day. Now let me preface this by saying that I like to think I go out most days with good will towards my fellow human beings; so committing to just a single day focusing on this didn’t seem too challenging. However, what I would soon learn was that this little “heart expansion exercise,” well…it was—quite literally—exercise…
Sunday and a new perspective.
This morning the green fists of the peonies are getting ready
to break my heart
as the sun rises,
as the sun strokes them with his old, buttery fingers