What is your biggest challenge?

A and L, walk on Venice Beach, image by LeAnn, as seen on linenlavenderlife.com
You must live in the present,
launch yourself on every wave,
find your eternity in each moment.
~Henry David Thoreau

Living in the present moment. It’s such a beautiful place to reside, yet how often are we there. . .not regretting the past, not worried about the future? It’s an ongoing challenge of a lifetime–some 2.5 billion or so seconds we have on this earth to practice – each moment another opportunity.

Animals and children naturally dwell there and I find when I’m faltering, I only need to look to them to show me the way.

(They make it look so easy, don’t they?)

Today, begin to adopt the following habits:
Talk to the universe.
Listen for its reply.
Be on intimate terms with Nature.
See the life in everything.
Carry yourself like a child of the universe.
                —Deepak Choprah

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